
RCS Students attend Chapel once a week. Each week students gather together and spend time in worship. In the Elementary, students are lead in age-appropriate songs and hear a teaching from our RCS Elementary Chaplain, Ryan Golightly.

In the Middle School and High School, the students gather together for a Unite Service every few weeks with worship led by our Worship Arts Class. Students and Guest Speakers provide the message during Unite services. The weeks in between Unite services, small groups of students meet all over the school in what we call Tribes. Our Tribes are facilitated by student leaders.


Rejoice Christian School instills its philosophy of preparing students to be responsive to the responsibility of serving others (Romans 12:10) through mission trips. Many RCS secondary students enjoy the opportunity to serve others while bonding together as a class and school. RCS 11th grade students work a three-day mission trip in Oklahoma City to help Oklahoma City’s rescue mission, Salvation Army, and Baptist Children’s Home. RCS 11th-grade students have waxed vehicles, organized clothing drives, painted fences and so much more to help others.

Also, RCS High School students partner with many Tulsa area nonprofit organizations as they earn required service hours. Students mature spiritually while assisting many nonprofit organizations that are in need of volunteers.

We want to meet our students wherever they are in their faith journey and create opportunities for them to grow in their relationship with God. The more someone knows and experiences God the more they grow in their love for Him, and the more they know who they are and what their purpose is. It is out of this relationship with God that true heart and life transformation happens.

Pat Golightly / RCS High School Bible Teacher