Join us on Friday, April 5 for the Rejoice Gala

Rejoice was founded in 1992. From its modest beginning as a preschool and kindergarten of only 40 students, to its current enrollment of over 1,100 students from K3 through High School, God’s faithfulness has shown brightly for 31 years.

“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

In 2015, Rejoice was blessed with the largest one-time gift ever given to a K-12 school. This gift allowed us to expand into new buildings that could support the community’s interest in the school.  

We are extremely thankful for what God has provided for us. We also embrace our assignment to steward these facilities and continue our commitment to providing an immersive, Biblical worldview education that equips students to reach their community and world for Christ. The goal of the Rejoice Gala is to fund these efforts for generations to come.


Sponsorship Tables will be on sale beginning Friday, February 9! Click on the “View Sponsorship Levels” button below to explore your options. You will be able to reserve an entire table at the Gala by clicking the “Purchase Sponsorship Tickets” button below. Purchasing a sponsorship is the best way to guarantee your seat in the room and join alongside your personal friends and family in support of RCS.


This year’s Rejoice Gala will take place on Friday, April 5. Individual tickets will be on sale beginning Friday, March 1. Join hundreds of other members of the Rejoice family at the Gala to fund Rejoice efforts for generations to come.

Gala Auction

You are not going to want to miss the Rejoice Auction! Last year, atendees had the opportunity to bid on the following items and more!
  • Dream Vacations
  • Sports Tickets
  • Signed Memorabilia
  • Tulsa Opera Tickets
  • Concert Tickets
  • A PitBoss Grill
  • Themed Baskets
  • Gift Cards
  • Rejoice Student Experiences
  • & More!
This auction is only possible thanks to our amazing Rejoice families and local businesses that donate goods and services to the Gala Auction! If you would like to donate, email