In his book called “The Advantage,” Patrick Lencioni lays out six critical questions every organization should be able to answer to help create clarity. RCS will follow the playbook (one sheet) concept each school year. All staff members will have this posted in their workspaces and familiarize themselves with it. Here are those questions:
Purpose Statement
Rejoice Christian School exists to change its community and world for Christ.
Mission Statement
The Mission of Rejoice Christian School is to provide a whole-person Christian education that immerses our students in a transformative Biblical worldview.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to develop students who are spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially equipped to impact their community and the world for Christ.
Using Rejoice Christian School Eagles (R.C.S.E.) as an acronym, we have four core values (Relationship, Character, Scripture, and Excellence), and have described what each core value looks like on a daily basis at RCS.
- We surrender daily our entire self to the lordship of Christ.
- We submit to the authority and leadership of Jesus Christ.
- We recognize His sovereign right to rule preeminently over us.
- We continuously grow in our walk and personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- We yield every area of our lives to Him so that we might experience the joy, blessings, and fullness of Christ in our life.
- We strive to develop character in our hearts through discipleship based on the Word of God.
- We pursue self-discipline in our behavior and take personal responsibility for our actions.
- We cherish a compassionate, healthy and orderly culture.
- We seek opportunities to lead and serve others.
- We desire to love others with truth and grace as Christ loved us.
- We embrace the authority of God’s Word for faith and practice in our lives.
- We place the Bible as the cornerstone of the learning experience.
- We practice biblical immersion to explore the spiritual, intellectual, and emotional needs of our faith.
- We learn how to process information and think critically in the context of a biblical worldview.
- We equip ourselves to defend our faith and live a lifestyle in accordance with it.
- We believe all responsive learners can thrive and succeed.
- We expect high academic standards and rigorous pursuit of wisdom.
- We foster an encouraging environment for all to maximize their learning potential.
- We inspire a lifelong love for learning and whole-person pursuit of education.
- We discover and develop our gifts to positively influence the world for Christ.
At Rejoice Christian School, we teach Biblical truth and grace to produce students who exhibit both Strength in Character and Excellence in Education.
- We are committed to Biblical truth and grace.
- We value a purposeful and sincere parent partnership.
- We strategically plan and prepare for the future.
Each school year, our school will have a “Thematic Goal” as an organization. This year’s “Thematic Goal” is to encourage one another to love and do good.
We will accomplish this by Defining Objectives and Standard Operating Objectives that will be scored each quarter and continually shared with staff. There will be Playbooks located in every teacher’s lounge on campus in the Administrative Conference Room in the Administration Offices.
Here is the theme and verse for this school year:
School Theme
Encourage, Love, Do Good.
School Verse
Hebrews 10:24-25 (New International Version)
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
RCS leadership is composed of dedicated Christian professionals who are collectively responsible for achieving through shared values the purpose, mission, vision, and goals of the school. The general requirements for leadership, faculty, and staff are delineated in the RCS Policy Manual, RCS Playbook and Continuous School Improvement Plan. The School Board duties and responsibilities are prescribed in the RCS Bylaws.
Visit this page for a list of the RCS Executive and Leadership Team positions and biographies.
Visit this page for a list of the RCS Board of Directors and biographies.
School Mascot : Eagle
School Motto: Excellence in Education, Strength in Character
School Colors: Blue and Gold
School Seal:
School Song:
On on to victory
Eagles are second to none
We’ll make this game history
Along with the others we’ve won
So fight fight fight with all your might
So that the world may see
That R-E-J-O-I-C-E
Means victory!
Preschool / Elementary Campus Preschool & Elementary School
10701 N. 129th E. Avenue
Owasso, OK 74055
FAX: 918.516.0299
Middle / High School Campus Middle & High School
13407 E. 106th St. N.
Owasso, OK 74055
FAX: 918.516.0299
Social Media
Facebook: RejoiceChristianSchool
Instagram: @rejoicechristianschool
Rejoice Christian School adheres to the following Statement of Faith:
1. We believe the Bible to be the only inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.
2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons (Father, Son and Holy
3. We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His
miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily
resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in
power and glory.
4. We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is
absolutely essential.
5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is
enabled to live a Godly life.
6. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the
resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
The educational philosophy of Rejoice Christian School begins with the Bible which establishes
the parent as the one responsible for the education of a child (Deuteronomy 6:5-7). God’s Word
provides more than just the content of education but is the essential framework. The Bible is God’s
revelation, His self-disclosure of truth. Jesus, the most complete revelation of God in creation,
identifies himself as “the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). Therefore, knowing the truth is the
object of education. We then reason that the responsibility of education is to lead students to know
truth, thus to know Christ, and to train them in Biblical principles and Christian character
(Proverbs 22:6). This requires spiritually and academically qualified personnel who lead students
to discover truth in and through the subject matter, while pointing them to “the source” of all truth.
Our goals for students are:
● to achieve proficiency in the subject matter (Psalm 119:73)
● to be challenged to reach their highest potential spiritually, intellectually, physically, and
socially (I Corinthians 14:12)
● to become aware of their purpose (Ephesians 3:14-20)
● to be prepared to evaluate the present and make proper decisions (Joel 3:14)
● to be responsive to the responsibility to serve others (Romans 12:10)
RCS professes that God has made man in His image and after His likeness. (Gen 1:26-27). Furthermore, we profess that God wonderfully and immutably creates each human being as male or female. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image of God and the means by which He calls each person to grow into His likeness (Gen 1:26-27; Rom. 8:29). It is, therefore, incumbent upon each person to treasure and affirm the blessing of gender encoded in his own as reflective of the divine image with which he is imprinted. We believe that each person’s God-given gender is determined biologically at birth. We believe the term “marriage” as sanctioned by God in Scripture joins one man and one woman in an exclusive union. We believe God intends sexual intimacy to only occur between a man and a woman who are married to each other. We believe God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman (Gen. 1:26-27) and anything outside of marriage is considered sexual immorality. We believe that any form of sexual immorality is contrary to God’s word. This includes, but is not limited to adultery, fornication, homosexuality (Romans 1:26-27; I Cor 6:9; I Tim 1:10), including professing to be homosexual/bisexual and/or practicing homosexuality/bisexuality and/or promoting such behavior, bestiality, use of pornography, or any attempt to change one’s biological gender or to identify as anything other than one’s biological gender or to openly express disagreement with one’s biological gender. We also believe God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. RCS does not condemn others who would view these restrictions differently, but we believe that the restrictions mentioned are types of conduct which are detrimental to an environment conducive to spiritual growth.
In light of Rejoice Christian School’s (RCS) statement of faith, the Statement on Marriage and Sexuality, and Student & Parent Handbook, and in recognition of personal physical privacy rights and the need to ensure individual safety and maintain school discipline, this policy is enacted to advise members of the Rejoice community of their duties with regard to use of restrooms, locker rooms, showers, and any other RCS facilities where individuals may be undressed in the presence
of others.
● Sex means the biological condition of being male or female as determined at birth.
● Member of the Rejoice community means any RCS employee, agent, volunteer, student,
parent, or visitor.
Sincerely Held Religious Belief on Sexuality
RCS sincerely held religious belief is that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as either male or female, and that these two distinct, complementary sexes together reflect the image and nature of God (Genesis 1:26–27).
Notwithstanding any other policy, RCS restrooms, locker rooms, and showers designated for one sex shall only be used by members of that sex. In any other RCS facilities or settings where members of the RCS community may be undressed in the presence of others (e.g., changing costumes during school theatrical productions), RCS shall provide separate, private areas designated for use by members of the RCS community based on their sex.
The current school year calendar is linked here or can be found at under the “Important Information” section. This also can be found on the RCS App.
A monthly calendar will be available on the RCS Website and on our RCS App. These calendars will contain general information about field trips, special days, and other events. The lunch menu will also be on the RCS Website and RCS App.
Students and parents are sent a weekly RCS Newsletter via email. It is very important that you watch the videos and read the information contained in the Newsletter.
RCS Administrative Staff works diligently and prayerfully to hire the most qualified Christian educators. We have complete confidence that your child will be in good hands with any of our teaching staff. We ask that you pray for the administration as they place your child. Special placement requests are not accepted.
Rejoice Christian School will report school closings due to snow or inclement weather on the RCS website, local radio, and television stations. RCS will also use the Parent Alert system and the RCS App as an overlay to the public announcements.
When used, the Parent Alert service will simultaneously call or text primary phone numbers listed in our parent contact list, and will deliver a recorded message from the Communications Director or another school administrator. The service will deliver the message to both answered calls and answering machines. “No answers” and busy signals will automatically be retried twice in fifteen-minute intervals after the initial call.
Information will also be delivered via text when the cell phone number is available in FACTS and a notification through our RCS App.
If at any time parents are uneasy about the safety of their student at school due to weather, the parents may come by and pick them up.
Rejoice Christian School is governed by a Board of Directors in partnership school leadership, parents and the RCS community. The School Board meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm Guests are welcome.
The Board receives updates from the Superintendent, recommendations from Committees, Hearing of the Public and determines policy and strategic action as needed.
Hearing of the Public shall follow the Mathew 18 principle. Concerns, suggestions, and ideas shall first be thoughtfully and prayerfully brought to the source to be addressed by the appropriate faculty, staff, or administrator. The next step is to address the appropriate School Board Committee which has the power to consider suggestions and make policy recommendations to the Board. The final step is the formal School Board Hearing of the Public at a regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
Any individual wishing to address the Rejoice Christian School Board shall ensure that he or she has followed the Matthew 18 principle and addressed any concerns or suggestions with the appropriate staff or administrator first. Additionally, in the spirit of Matthew 18, no individual should attempt to bring concerns to an individual board member, outside of a regularly scheduled board meeting.
If, after following the Matthew 18 principle, an individual still desires to address the board, he or she should make such a request in writing no less than fourteen (14) days in advance of the regularly scheduled monthly School Board Meeting. Requests may be referred to an appropriate Board Committee.
If multiple individuals wish to speak at a meeting, they will be scheduled individually by the board. Presentations by individuals will be limited to 15 minutes. However, adequate time for School Board questions and clarification of the Public’s desires may be permitted in order to minimize misunderstandings relative to the subject to be considered by the School Board.
In most cases, the School Board will take the item/items under advisement, and when decisions and/or actions are taken, the individual will be notified as to the decision and/or action.
RCS Families can find this information through the handbook in their Parent Portal
RCS Families can find this information through the handbook in their Parent Portal
RCS Families can find this information through the handbook in their Parent Portal
RCS Families can find this information through the handbook in their Parent Portal
Students will be allowed to leave school only with an “authorized” adult. This means that the
adult’s name must be on the student’s pick-up list that is in the student’s FACTS account. We
reserve the right to request identification from anyone desiring to pick up a student from Rejoice
Christian School. If parents are divorced or separated and one parent is not allowed to see or pick
up the student, we must have a certified copy of the court order of Final Judgment on file at the
office. If you need to make any changes to your student’s pick-up list, please do via email to or call the main office at 918.516.0050.
Rejoice Christian operates a closed campus. This means that students are not free to come and go
as they please. Only parents and adults listed on the pickup list may sign out students during the
day. The campuses of RCS are private property, and unauthorized individuals on campus may be
removed as trespassers. In order to avoid interruptions to the educational process and maintain a
level of security for the students, please adhere to the following policy for visiting the school.
● All visitors (including parents) must sign-in and out at the school office and wear a “Visitor”
badge or sticker while on the school premises.
● Drop-in visits to meet with teachers during school hours are not permitted. Classes begin at
8:15 am (PS/ELEM) and 8:00 am (MS/HS), and without exception, we ask that parents not
engage teachers in conversations after this time. Appointments may be made with teachers,
before or after school hours, to discuss concerns.
● Friends of students are not permitted to visit campus during the school day. Only siblings,
relatives, and students’ pastor/youth leaders are permitted to have lunch on campus with
PS/ELEM: Students at RCS may bring their lunch or eat the options provided by the cafeteria. The
menu is published monthly on the website. There is no refrigeration or microwave available for
student lunches, so please plan accordingly. For lunches brought from home, please include items
that can be easily opened along with proper eating utensils. Parents are also welcome to bring food
for the student and drop it off at the front office before their scheduled lunch time. After the Labor
Day holiday, parents are welcome to sign-up via the weekly newsletter to join their student(s) for
lunch. No food or drink will be allowed outside of the cafeteria area.
MS/HS: Students at RCS may bring their lunch or eat the options provided by the cafeteria. The
menu is published monthly on the website. There is no refrigeration available for student lunches,
so parents need to use other means if a lunch needs to be kept cool. Parents are always welcome to
come and eat lunch with their students, or to bring food and drop it off for their students. Please
remember to sign-in first in the office. No food or drink is allowed outside of the café area of the
school. Only water bottles with a screw-on lid are allowed.
Microwaves are provided for student use; however, students are responsible for keeping the
microwaves clean.
Students have the option of eating at the outdoor picnic tables, weather permitting. Students are
required to stay within the designated area and are responsible for throwing away all trash in the
proper receptacle.
School lockers are the property of RCS and are assigned to students and are not to be swapped or
shared. The lockers are subject to inspection by administration without notice or prior consent.
Only magnetic or taped, removable stickers are allowed on lockers, and no writing is allowed on
either the inside or outside of the locker. Anyone violating this policy will be subject to
disciplinary action. Anything found in the locker will be the responsibility of the student to whom
the locker is assigned. Any illegal item(s) found in school lockers may be turned over to the proper
law enforcement authorities.
Report cards will be emailed for 6th-12th grade students upon completion of the semester, as grades
are cumulative per semester, and K3-5th grade report cards will be sent each quarter. Parents are
encouraged to consistently check grades on FACTS.
Students who meet the following criteria are placed on one of two (2) Honor Rolls:
● Superintendent’s Honor Roll
A student must have “As” in all subjects for his/her semester average.
● Principal’s Honor Roll
A student must have “As” and “Bs” in all subjects for his/her semester average.
Achievement testing will be performed using the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Test. It will
be administered in the fall, winter, and spring. Teachers will receive the results of the test within a
few days. Teachers should use achievement tests for diagnostic purposes and not just for
evaluation. By using achievement test profiles, teachers can pinpoint pupil weaknesses and
strengths and determine remedial work, or the need for revising methods of teaching.
Attendance at school provides a student with classroom experience. The instructional program at
Rejoice Christian School is based on a teacher-directed approach where the teacher is the one who
plans the content and decides what to teach within the prescribed curricula. Biblical worldview
will be immersed throughout the curriculum. Regular attendance is a basic requirement for
academic success and the development of a sense of responsibility for students. Generally, it is
impossible for this experience to be made up. Teachers are not required to live stream or record
class activities. In the MS/HS, class attendance is taken each hour throughout the day. In the
PS/ELEM class attendance is taken at the beginning of the school day. Attendance records may be
viewed on FACTS.
Any student absent 12 or more days per class (MS/HS) or days per semester (PS/ELEM) is in
jeopardy of failing the class, and cannot pass the semester unless an appeal is granted by the
Administration. Appeal forms may be picked up at the school office, and must be submitted within
one week of receiving notice of excessive absences. Absences due to Excused School Activity (ESA)
are not included in these totals, and extended illnesses or injuries are taken into consideration.
Students participating in any extracurricular activities in the MS/HS (i.e., sports, academic
competitions, service projects, etc.) must be at school on the day of the activity for a minimum of
three academic classes (if the extracurricular activity is a half-day). Being absent on a day with an
athletic or extracurricular event may make them ineligible to participate in those events.
Parents are to notify the school office by 9:00 am if their student is absent from class for any reason.
If we have not received a communication (via email, phone, or the RCS app), then we will follow up
with an email or a phone call to the parent. If there is no contact made and no resolution to the
absence in question, then the absence will be recorded as an Unexcused Absence (UA).
Tardies are not only disruptive to the classroom environment, but they also have an adverse effect
on the educational process as habitually late students put themselves at risk academically due to
the amount of class time missed. A student receives a tardy when he/she arrives late to a classroom
(PS/ELEM) after the bell has rang (MS/HS) for the beginning of that class.
All students are required to check-out at the office if they leave school before the school day is
completed. A student may not leave campus without prior approval from a parent being
communicated to the PS/ELEM or MS/HS front office via email or a phone call. Absences for
classes missed will be defined as outlined above. Excessive early check-outs must be avoided and
will be addressed on an individual basis. The administration may designate days when students
may check out early without penalty. Those who must check out early for doctor’s appointments,
etc. are asked to pick up by 2:15 pm (MS/HS) and 2:30 pm (PS/ELEM) to avoid congestion with
dismissal time.
Unexcused Absence (UA): A student may receive an Unexcused Absence for the following reasons:
● By not communicating with the school (via email, phone, or the RCS app) on the same day
when there is a legitimate reason for being absent;
● When being absent is not a result of personal illness, a medical appointment, or an
illness/death in the family; or,
● When a student has received an Out-Of-School Suspension (OSS).
Schoolwork must be turned in on the date of return, and the student can receive a grade no more
than 70% of his/her earned grade (meaning there is a 30% grade reduction for tests, projects, or
larger assignments due on the day of the UA). A student who returns from a UA is required to take
all quizzes, tests, or other assessments that occur on the day of return. Unexcused absences will
count against perfect attendance and against a student’s status for final exam exemptions.
Explained Absence (XA): An Explained Absence is any absence that is not a result of personal
illness, a medical appointment, or an illness/death in the family. Although family vacations and
trips may count as an XA, it is EXPECTED that these are scheduled during school vacations – as it is
difficult for a student to make up work that he/she has missed during a lengthy absence.
Responsibility for all make-up work is solely with the parent and student, and all schoolwork must
be turned in on the day of return. Students with an XA have the potential for full credit for all
make-up turned in on time. Late work is subject to penalties assigned by the individual department
(MS/HS) or grade level (Elementary). Explained Absences will count against perfect attendance
and also against a student’s status for final exam exemptions. To receive approval for an Explained
Absence, the following steps must be followed:
● At least 72 hours in advance of an explained absence (XA), a parent must put the request in
the school app for the absence. If approved, you will be notified and the student will be
required to pick up the Explained Absence Approval Form from the office and take it to
teachers for signatures.
Excused Absence (EA): An Excused Absence is defined as an absence due to personal illness, a
medical appointment, or an illness/death in the family. Students will be given one day to make-up
work for each day of absence. Excused Absences will count against perfect attendance and a
student’s status for final exam exemptions.
● A legitimate EA that is not reported by a parent to the school will be considered an
Unexcused Absence.
Excused School Activity (ESA): Any absence that is necessitated by school events (e.g., field trips
and athletics) or educationally-based, off-campus activities (e.g., college visits) is considered an
Excused School Activity (ESA). For MS/HS, the front office will be notified of the activity and the
students participating in it by the classroom teacher, coach, or administrator (or parent if it is an
off-campus, non-RCS event), and the attendance will be marked with an ESA. Students will be
given one day to make up work for each day of absence. ESA absences do not count against final
exam exemptions or perfect attendance.
● Students are allowed to miss up to four hours of class to take the driver’s license test. This
absence must be approved at least 48 hours in advance and will be given an ESA.
● Sophomores may request one college visit day per year; juniors may request two college
visit days; and seniors may request three college visit days per year for ESA. Requests for
College Visits must be submitted using the College Visit Request Form one week prior to the
visit. Forms are available on the school website or from the high school Counseling office.
Students must bring a proof of college visit letter from the university upon return to school.
Any college visit absences that go beyond the allotted allowance will count as an Explained
Absence (XA).
Excused Tardy (ET): An Excused Tardy is when a student is tardy to class but has a pass/note
explaining the tardiness from the front office. Any schoolwork missed because of the ET may be
made-up and tests (or portions of missed tests) may be taken. ET include: personal or serious
illness, an appointment with a doctor or dentist, parent report of unexpected car trouble, and
traffic from an accident (approved by admin).
● PS/ELEM: Students who are tardy must be walked inside the main entrance by a
parent/guardian to receive a tardy slip. Habitually late students are at risk academically,
which may result in administrative consequences.
● MS/HS: A student cannot , on their own, go to another class, teacher, coach, staff member, or
administrator, and then ask for a pass to his/her next class (if they do, they may receive an
Unexcused Tardy).
● MS/HS: The student should first go to his/her next class and then ask permission to go.
Unexcused Tardy (UT): An Unexcused Tardy is when a student is tardy to class but does not have a
pass/note from the front office or the note from the front office indicates an excused tardy. Any
schoolwork missed because of the UT may be made-up and tests (or portions of missed tests) may
be taken. If a student misses half or more of the class because of being tardy, then the tardy
becomes a UA. UT include: oversleeping/alarm didn’t go off, sleeping in due to late night activity
unless school approved, ride late, etc.
A student tardy will not be admitted to his/her class without a pass from the front office. A tardy
will be an Excused tardy (ET) if it is due to personal illness, a medical appointment, an
illness/death in the family, or an unexpected traffic delay (as long as this is not habitual). A parent
email/phone call or a doctor’s note is required. A valid reason for an Excused Tardy will be deemed
as an Unexcused Tardy if a note/phone call is not provided within 24 hours. Habitually late
students are at risk academically, which may result in administrative consequences.
● Preschool: The K3-K5 programs are not daycare. We ask that parents make every effort to
have their child here by 8:15 am so they may start the activities of the day with their class. If
a Preschool student arrives after 8:15 am, they will need to enter through the main
Elementary office and be checked-in. Because late arrivals are disruptive to the
classroom, preschool students will not be admitted after 9:15 am to K3 and K4 classes,
unless it is an excused tardy (see below).
● Elementary: Tardies are not only disruptive to the classroom, they also have an adverse
effect on the educational process. Habitually late students are at risk academically, which
may result in administrative consequences such as percent deduction off of first academic
subject, implementation of General Education Plan, inability to re-enroll, or a child not
being promoted to the next grade level. Students who arrive after classes begin must be
accompanied by a parent to check in at the school office in order to be admitted to their
classroom. As a result, excessive (7+ unexcused tardies in a quarter) may result in one of the
above consequences.
● MS/HS: five (5) unexcused tardies for a first-hour class is equal to one (1) Unexcused
Absence (UA) for that class; three (3) unexcused tardies for a specific class is equal to one
(1) Unexcused Absence (UA) for that class. Please see the discipline section for additional
consequences for unexcused tardies.
Students who miss work due to excused or explained absence may find assignments posted on
FACTS ParentsWeb and/or Google Classroom. If parents or students need further assistance, they
are strongly encouraged to contact their child’s teacher directly, either by phone or email. For
PS/ELEM, parents must make a request for make-up work by 9:00 am on a missed day of school via
email to the child’s homeroom teacher. Work will be available for pickup in the e lementary foyer
(bookshelf) by 1:30 pm and picked up between 1:30 – 2:30 pm or 3:15 – 3:30 pm. During dismissal
(2:40 – 3:15) pm, no parent will be permitted into the building due to safety.
Attendance at school provides a student with classroom experience. The instructional program at
RCS was founded upon the conviction that young people should be able to gain a solid academic
education in an environment that is conducive to spiritual growth. The school holds that the Bible
is the sole authority on all spiritual matters and that spiritual growth begins with the initial act of
saving faith and continues throughout life. In light of this need for spiritual growth, RCS has
adopted the following standards which are believed to effectively foster an environment that will
best promote the spiritual welfare of the student.
As RCS seeks to produce students who exhibit strength in character, it is expected that student
conduct will reflect favorably on the students themselves and on Rejoice Christian School at all
times. Therefore, the authority of the school with respect to student conduct must extend to any
occurrence which reflects adversely on the good name or reputation of Rejoice Christian School.
Christian conduct is expected of students at all times (both on and off campus) all year. As we
commit ourselves to a code of conduct that glorifies the Lord wherever we are, it will benefit others
as well as ourselves. Violation of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action and/or
1. I commit to growing in my relationship with Christ and seek to discover and develop my
talents to use to honor Him, and will actively work with the faculty and administration to
promote ideals consistent with the RCS Core Values and Student Outcomes and build those
outcomes into my life. (II Peter 3:18)
2. I will show respect and submit myself to those in authority at RCS as well as any rules or
regulations established by the school, realizing that attendance is a privilege and not a right.
(Hebrews 13:17)
3. I will act with integrity and will not lie, cheat, steal, nor will I tolerate such activity. (I
Chronicles 29:7)
4. I will regard my fellow classmates with respect and courtesy. (Matthew 7:12)
5. I will seek to follow the Matthew 18 principle in resolving conflicts.
6. I will observe Biblical morality in all relationships, maintaining a lifestyle of sexual purity in
accordance with the Biblical view of marriage and sexuality as stated in this handbook.
(Ephesians 5:3)
7. I will refrain from the possession, purchase, use, sale, and/or distribution of any alcoholic
beverages, or drug substances (including tobacco, tobacco products, and vaping).
8. I will refrain from the possession of firearms, or any object which could be used, intended or
disguised as a firearm or a weapon while on school property or at any school-sponsored
9. I will adhere to the RCS dress code at school and school-sponsored events (both home and
away), and be neat and clean in my appearance.
10. Fighting, whether it is physical or verbal, yelling, or arguing with each other will not be
11. I will refrain from the use of vulgar language (cussing, suggestive language, racial or cultural
slurs, etc.) and will not degrade my school, fellow classmates, teachers, administration,
coaches, or school board or any other school personnel. This includes any type of social media
– posting, liking, sharing, or showing support for degrading comments and memes.
12. I will uphold the RCS Code of Conduct at all times (on and off campus).
13. I will refrain from publicly criticizing or promoting ideals contrary to RCS Core Values and
Student Outcomes.
The primary purpose of RCS is to raise disciples of Christ who exhibit excellence in education and
strength in character. Student discipline is necessary for the welfare of the student as well as the
entire school. Each teacher is given the responsibility and authority to maintain order in the
classroom that is conducive to learning. Certain behavior is not acceptable and will not be
God is a God of order (I Corinthians 14:33), mercy (Numbers 14:18), justice (I John 1:9), and love (I
John 4:8). In His perfect love and by His matchless mercy He disciplines those He loves (Hebrews
12:5-6) because He knows that proper discipline brings about God-glorifying fruit (Hebrews 12:11).
We at RCS strive for that graceful balance between order, mercy, justice, and love because our
positions of authority have been granted to us by God for training the next generation of
Christians and instructing them in the ways of God (Romans 13:1-5). Therefore, we believe that all
behavioral management policies and practices at RCS have to be based on Scriptural principles (II
Timothy 3:16-17), be conducted with meekness (James 3:13), and must be consistent and fair as not
to frustrate, discourage, or provoke to wrath our students (Ephesians 6:4, Colossians 3:21). Because
the Bible is our standard of truth, any behavior that deviates from this standard is called sin
(Romans 3:21-23). When a student’s behavior counters our instruction or core values then we must
immediately, effectively, directly, and lovingly correct the student as to (1) stop the offense, (2)
prevent others from acting in a similar manner, and (3) initiate change in the heart and mind of the
student. The heart of our behavioral management plan is to move the mentality of our students
from submitting to a system of rules and regulations to a lifestyle of honoring God via making wise
choices and voluntarily following His ways with all their hearts, minds, souls, and strength.
The offenses listed below are to be considered examples of the various classes or categories of
offenses; no claim is made that these constitute an inclusive list. The disciplinary consequences
listed as appropriate for each category of offenses are not listed in the order in which they are to be
employed by school personnel. Rather, the consequences listed merely constitute a range of
responses, within each category, from which school authorities may choose based on their
judgment by the seriousness of the offense.
RCS reserves the right to expel any student upon approval of the Superintendent. Any offense not
specified below will be categorized by the appropriate RCS personnel. In case of criminal activity,
appropriate authorities shall be notified.
It is not our design to displace parental authority or responsibility, but to cooperate in maintaining
a Christian testimony for our school. Students are expected to abide by these standards throughout
their enrollment at RCS. This includes both in-term and out-of-term, at school, home or any other
place. Students found to be out of harmony with RCS ideals of work and life may be asked to
ELEM Descriptions of Disciplinary Consequences
Reflection Center . A designated place in each classroom where students can go for behavior
adjustments. Students in this area can be asked to reflect on actions, work on an assignment, read
Scripture, or fill out a think sheet.
Think Sheet/Questions for Reflection . Tools for students to use in the reflection center to process
behaviors and plan better future behaviors.
Thinking Time in Office . When a student is sent to the office to think about/discuss actions or
decompress. This is meant to be used as a reset time for the student in an environment outside of
the classroom.
Student-Teacher Conference . The Classroom Teacher will meet with the student and discuss the
inappropriate behavior, and work towards a resolution of the conflict. A discipline report will be
sent home by the Classroom Teacher in FACTS.
Office Referral . An Office Referral occurs when a Classroom Teacher sends the student out of the
classroom to meet with an Administrator about the inappropriate behavior. The Administrator will
communicate with both the Classroom Teacher and the student, and work towards a resolution of
the conflict. A disciplinary report will be sent home by the Administrator.
In-School Suspension (ISS) . An In-School Suspension is assigned by an Administrator for a
disciplinary infraction as outlined above. The ISS may be 1-5 days in length, during which the
student will report to the ELEM Front Office by 7:55 am and be at school for the entire day (where
he/she will be supervised by a staff member).
Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) . An Out-of-School Suspension is assigned by an Administrator
for a disciplinary infraction as outlined above. The OSS may be 1-5 days in length, during which the
student will stay home and not be allowed on campus during the school day or after-school event
unless granted written permission by the ELEM Administration. There is a mandatory
parent-student-admin conference before the student can return to the classroom.
Expulsion . A student is expelled from RCS for severe or repeated major disciplinary offenses
outlined above. Expelled students may not be allowed on campus or attend school activities unless
given prior written permission by Administration.
At RCS, we desire that every student, every day, experience a safe and civil environment to be able
to learn and achieve high academic standards. Bullying and harassment disrupts both a student’s
ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe environment. Demonstration
of appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate
harassment or bullying is expected of administrators, faculty, staff, and volunteers to provide
positive examples for student behavior.
Inappropriate/Unkind Behavior . There are times students mistreat one another through unkind,
inappropriate, and disrespectful behavior. While it is wrong, sinful, and needs to be corrected, it
does not automatically qualify as bullying or harassment. Students committing the offense
generally need to be reminded, redirected, warned, and/or receive a Tier 1/2 consequence for the
behavior. If a student continues to exhibit inappropriate/unkind behavior towards another
student (or group of students) then there is the dual issue of (1) disregarding the first admonition,
and (2) the possible reclassification of the behavioral issue.
Bullying . Bullying is any unwanted, aggressive behavior that is repeated (or likely to be repeated)
against a targeted individual because of an observed (or reasonably perceived) power imbalance,
and there is a purposeful intention to hurt, harm, or humiliate the individual.
Unwanted, Aggressive Behavior . Unwanted, aggressive behaviors are negative behaviors that a
targeted student wants the aggressive student to stop doing. We are not going to assess whether or
not the aggressive student meant harm to the targeted student; but rather, we will assess if the
aggressive student had the intention to exhibit the unwanted, aggressive behavior.
Direct Bullying . Direct bullying occurs when the unwanted, aggressive behavior occurs in the
presence of the targeted student (i.e., face-to-face interaction or within a group setting). Examples
include (and are not limited to):
● Physical such as hitting, kicking, and tripping.
● Verbal including name-calling and teasing.
● Damaging a student’s property (done in the presence of the student).
Indirect Bullying . Indirect bullying occurs when the unwanted, aggressive behavior is NOT directly
communicated to the targeted student. Examples include (and are not limited to):
● Spreading false and/or malicious rumors.
● Damaging a student’s property (not done in the presence of the student).
Cyberbullying . Cyberbullying occurs when “bullying behaviors” occur via technological/digital
communications, including (but not limited to) texting, social media posts or comments, snapchats,
and/or direct/personal messengers.
Harassment . Harassment is bullying with the added component that the unwanted, aggressive
behaviors are about and due to a student’s gender, race, culture, socioeconomic status, ethnicity,
religion, age, disability, or national origin.
Sexual Harassment . Any student who is or has been subjected to sexual harassment, or knows of
any student, who is or has been subjected to sexual harassment, should promptly contact an
Administrator, Principal, or the Superintendent. In the event a complaint is reported, a
confidential investigation will be undertaken immediately.
Discipline with Discernment
There are times inappropriate behaviors occur towards others that are NOT bullying/harassment
but can look and/or feel that way. For instance, a group of boys tease each other on a frequent
basis, but then it shifts slightly to be more in a singular direction. In a case where this is
unintentional, though it may feel like bullying by the one student being teased to a greater degree,
it was done in ignorance and does not meet the requirements for bullying/harassment as outlined
below. Oftentimes this occurs when all the boys were at first co-participants, but then the situation
inadvertently changes. This usually gets compounded when the boy being targeted doesn’t speak
up. Continual teasing, even after admonition and correction, may result in the reclassifying the
situation as bullying/harassment.
Another example of a situation that stems from ignorance is when a group of girls use
inappropriate slang or racial slurs with one another in jest. At first, they may think it’s funny and
are unaware of the cultural implications or social inappropriateness because students with
different racial backgrounds may even be participating. These students often do not realize they
have crossed a line with their words and are usually unaware of how it may hurt one another –
probably because the one who gets hurt laughs it off and responds with a similar inappropriate
comment. As in the previous situation, continual teasing, even after admonition and correction,
may result in the reclassifying the situation as bullying/harassment.
Ancillary Components of Bullying & Harassment
Anonymity . Reports may be made anonymously, but formal disciplinary action (towards the
aggressive student) may not be based solely on an anonymous report. Also, reports made by a
known student/family, but the student/family is requesting anonymity, will be classified as
“anonymous”; and formal disciplinary action (towards the aggressive student) may not be based
solely on the anonymous report. We will try to confirm every report with two or three objective (not
involved) witnesses.
Bystanders . Since bystander support of bullying or harassment can add to these negative and
unwanted behaviors, and since we expect a higher standard of behavior from our students, the
bystander who says or does nothing to prevent/mediate/report the bullying or harassment may
receive instructional admonition or other disciplinary action.
Retaliation . A student who retaliates against another student for either reporting or speaking
against the unwanted, aggressive behaviors, may receive (depending on the circumstances) a
measure of more severe consequences.
False Accusations of Bullying & Harassment . False accusations of bullying or harassment will not
be tolerated, with the accuser receiving an equitable consequence.
Personal cleanliness and neatness display a respect and dignity that is expected of an RCS student
at all times. The Dress Code is not addressing moral issues but is the requirement of the school to
promote modesty among our students while at school or school events. We encourage all members
of our school community to wear RCS Spirit Gear on Fridays!
The administration will address any students not conforming to the Dress Code and reserves the
right to have parents bring an appropriate change of clothes; or, with a parent’s permission, a
licensed student may drive home to get his/her change of clothes. Any class time missed (MS/HS)
will be counted as an unexcused absence (UA) or unexcused tardy (UT) tardies. Exceptions to the
dress code may be made on designated spirit days, including costumes.
● Attire or accessories that are profane, vulgar, obscene, offensive, or that contain messages
and/or graphics related to tobacco, vaping, drug products, alcohol, weapons, or other
inappropriate symbols, characters, or actions are not permitted.
Pants, Shorts, Skirts
● Pajama pants, yoga pants, and biker shorts are not permitted.
● Leggings, joggers, jeggings with no holes or mesh (with top that covers bottom) are
permitted in preschool and elementary only.
● Leggings and jeggings are not permitted in the MS/HS.
○ However, leggings and jeggings of appropriate coverage (i.e., no mesh above the
knee) are allowed at ATHLETIC EVENTS ONLY if worn with a shirt that covers the
○ Joggers are allowed at MS/HS if worn with a shirt that covers the bottom.
● Holes in jeans above the knee are not permitted unless patched with material which
matches the color of the jeans. Holes cannot be large in size. Small holes are allowed at or
below the knee, but not extending above the knee.
● Shorts must extend at least halfway between the top of the knee and the bend of the hip (i.e.,
the top of the leg).
● Hemlines for skirts and dresses that hit above the knee must not exceed the measurement
of a dollar bill width (2.5 inches) from the top of the knee for middle and high school
● Shorts will be required to be worn underneath dresses or skirts for female preschool and
elementary students.
● Shorts/pants should be worn at the waist and are not to be excessively baggy or
● Proper undergarments should be worn at all times and should not be visible.
Shirts, Tops
● Tank tops and sleeveless shirts that are three-finger width across the shoulder are allowed
and must fit neatly around the underarm. No sleeveless shirts are allowed for boys in the
● Midriffs, spaghetti straps, low-cut shirts, or skin tight shirts are not permitted. The stomach
should not show when arms are lifted.
● Shirts may not have cut-outs or holes in the front, back, or sides.
● Necklines should be no more than 2.5 inches from the collarbone in the front, and should
cover below the shoulder blades and down in the back.
● Sheer or see-through tops, or tops with cutouts/holes, must have a shirt underneath that
meets the regular top/shirt requirements.
● Proper undergarments should be worn at all times and should not be visible.
● Hair should be worn in a style that is reasonable, well-groomed, and clean.
● Outlandish hairstyles or colors are unacceptable. Any hairstyles that deviate from that
which might be acceptable will be judged by the Administration. If a parent is unsure of a
particular hairstyle, then it is prudent to make prior contact with the Administration for
Additional Male Hair Requirements
● Male facial hair must be groomed and well-kept.
● Length of hair shall not exceed the bottom of the neck, and must not cover the eyes.
● No ponytails or “man buns.”
● Headbands of any kind are not allowed to be worn by male students except for athletes
during competition or practice.
● Visible tattoos are not allowed.
● Jewelry may be worn in moderation and should not be used lavishly. The school is not
responsible for damage or loss of jewelry worn by a student.
● Earrings/studs are not acceptable for male students.
● Earrings/studs may be worn by female students; however, students are not allowed to wear
more than two earrings per ear.
● Tongue studs and any other body piercings are unacceptable.
● Ear gauges are not allowed.
● Shoes/sneakers with rolling wheels are not permitted.
● House shoes/slippers are not permitted.
● Hats, head coverings, and/or hoods are not allowed to be worn inside the school building
with the exception of designated “hat” days. Hats are permitted at indoor and outdoor
sporting events.
● Sunglasses are also not permitted to be worn inside the school building.
PS/ELEM . The use of cell phones or other electronic devices (including Smartwatches) while at
school is not permitted by PS/ELEM students. Students are not permitted to wear Smartwatch
devices. Parents needing to leave a message for their student may contact the school office. For
students needing to bring a cell phone to school, they must be turned off at all times and put away
in their backpack for the duration of the school day (including Before and After Care). RCS is not
responsible for any loss or damage to cell phones or any other personal electronic devices brought
to school. If a cell phone, electronic device, Smartwatch, etc. is visible within the educational
environment, it will be confiscated and placed at the front office for parent pick up. Any repeated
occurrence would result in disciplinary action.
MS/HS. The use of cell phones while on school property is a privilege, not a right; nevertheless, the
school recognizes the benefits of our students having a measure of access to cell phones while at
school. We want to ensure that our academics and educational learning environment are not
hindered by the unnecessary/inappropriate use of cell phones.
Sixth Grade. Sixth-grade students are permitted to bring cell phones to school to communicate
with parents before and/or after school hours to arrange for transportation, coordinate schedule
changes, etc. Cell phones must be turned off and put away during school hours, and must not be
used to make or receive calls, send or receive text messages (during these hours), play games, or use
social media. This includes the active use of Smartwatches. It is the student’s responsibility to
ensure that they follow these policies. Parents needing to contact their children during school
hours need to do so by calling the school office, not their child’s cell phone .
Seventh/Eighth Grades . Students in seventh and eighth grades may use their cell phones in
between classes. Each classroom will be equipped with a “cell phone holder” for the student to put
their phone in for the duration of the class (i.e, bell to bell). Seventh and eighth-grade students may
not use their cell phones during lunch (i.e., put away and silenced), and must not be used to make
or receive calls, send or receive text messages during these hours, play games, or use social media
during lunch.
High School . Students in 9-12 grades may use their cell phones in between classes. Each classroom
will be equipped with a “cell phone holder” for the student to put their phone in for the duration of
the class (i.e, bell to bell). High school students may use their phones during lunch.
Smartwatches, Wireless Earbuds, and Other Personal Electronics
● A Smartwatch will be treated in a similar manner as a cell phone and cannot be actively
accessed during class or other inappropriate times (e.g., chapel).
● Wireless earbuds, AirPods, or headphones may not be worn on campus at any time during
the school day (8:00 am to 2:34 pm).
● Other personal electronic devices are not allowed during school hours.
RCS is not responsible for any loss or damage to cell phones or any other personal electronic
devices brought to school.
A violation of any aspect of this Cell Phone / Personal Electronics Policy will result in the
confiscation of the cell phone or personal electronic device by the Administration, and the student
may receive disciplinary action as per our MS/HS Discipline Policy (previously outlined in this
Handbook). The student can pick up his/her cell phone from the MS/HS Front Office at the end of
the school day. Students who attempt to circumvent the Cell Phone Policy (e.g., placing
burner/dummy phones in the cell phone holders) will face a more stringent disciplinary action as
per our Discipline Policy.
Technology has become a valuable and integral part of the Rejoice Christian School’s community.
The use of technology is a privilege meant to enhance education, communication and
administration. In order to facilitate a safe and functional educational environment, members of
the RCS community are expected to adhere to the policy as outlined below.
Individuals (“users”) covered by this policy include all authorized users including but not limited
to staff, teachers, students, subcontractors and visitors. The policy applies to the use of technology
resources both on RCS campuses and off-site. It applies to all hardware, software, online and other
technology resources. It includes but is not limited to servers, desktops, laptops, printers,
projectors, programs and internet access.
“RCS community” refers to employees and students of Rejoice Christian School. “Technology Staff”
refers to Technology Coordinators or other RCS employees with a role in technology support.
1. All users are expected to engage with RCS technology resources in ways that are
responsible, ethical, and legal. Use of technology resources must be in compliance with
federal and state laws.
2. All users are required to use technology resources in accordance with the RCS code of
conduct in addition to any other relevant RCS guidelines. Violations include but are not
limited to harassment, defamation, threatening or discriminatory behavior, and accessing
obscene material.
3. Plagiarism and copyright infringement through technology resources is strictly forbidden.
4. Attempted or actual modification of restrictions or protections without authorization from
technology staff is strictly prohibited.
5. Users are permitted to download files and install programs provided they have received
approval from technology staff. In addition, any downloads or installations must comply
with relevant laws and licensing.
6. Unsolicited mailings (e.g. spam, forwards) are prohibited.
7. Business activities such as the buying and selling of goods and services, advertising etc.
using technology resources is prohibited unless as approved by administration.
8. Users agree to take reasonable precautions, to maintain and to protect their technology
resources. Users agree to abide by care instructions as outlined in any guides, manuals or
verbal instructions that come with technology resources given by technology staff.
9. Users agree never to attempt to damage, destroy or otherwise physically abuse RCS
technology resources.
10. Users agree to manage their individual use of technology resources in ways that do not
detrimentally affect other users (e.g. deleting unneeded files, not streaming music, not
monopolizing printers etc.).
11. Users agree never to connect unapproved devices to the RCS network.
12. Users agree not to hold RCS liable for losses or damages incurred by failure or malfunction
of technology resources.
13. Any damage to or malfunction of technology resources, whether accidental or not, is to be
reported promptly and with full disclosure to technology staff.
Safety and Privacy
1. Users agree to use only approved logins to access accounts.
2. Users agree not to, access, modify or destroy other users’ information without express
consent from the user.
3. Users agree not to allow use of technology resources by unauthorized persons.
4. Users agree not to share any RCS login/account data with any person or organization unless
approved or requested by administrative or technology staff.
5. Users agree to protect and maintain their accounts by logging out. Users will monitor and
report unusual activity on their technology resources.
6. Users agree not to monitor other users’ activities.
7. Users agree that all electronic files stored on school resources, including e-mail messages,
are property of RCS.
8. Users agree that RCS administration and technology staff reserve the right to monitor and
inspect files stored on school resources for conformity with policies, licensing standards
and state or federal law. Users understand and agree that any files accessed, created, or
stored on school resources are not private.
9. Users understand and agree that RCS has implemented technology measures that
block/filter Internet access to visual images that are obscene, child pornography or
otherwise harmful to minors.
10. Users (and their parent/guardians) are nevertheless advised that users may gain access to
unauthorized websites, and RCS cannot guarantee that users will not access websites that
they (or their parents/guardians) would find inappropriate, offensive, objectionable or
controversial. Users (and their parents/guardians) agree not to hold RCS liable for any such
material that they may find as a result of using RCS’ technology resources.
11. To promote student safety and ensure compliance with this policy, internet, network and
other technology-related activities will be monitored or restricted using filtering, passive
supervision technologies and periodic checks by technology staff.
12. RCS will provide education and training to students on (1) safe and appropriate online
behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in
chat rooms, and (2) cyber-bullying awareness and responses.
Disciplinary Action
Violation of any part of the above policy may result in restriction or suspension of access to
technology resources, notification of law enforcement, financial restitution, or other disciplinary
measures as determined by RCS administration.
RCS students are expected to exercise moral and ethical integrity, and as such no RCS student
should be searching, and investigating ways to circumvent security services and protocols that
have been implemented not only for your online safety, but also for the safety of our network, data,
and our standing as a CIPA (Child Internet Protection Act) compliant school. The latter being
crucial to our funding for Internet service.
Circumventing RCS internet security will not be tolerated, and there will be repercussions and
consequences for offending students. If you download an app to your Chromebook you must make
sure it is through the Chrome browser and can be seen on GoGuardian so the teachers are able to
view your screen at all times. It is your responsibility to make sure anything you add can be seen
by your teachers, therefore you will need to check with them to confirm this; otherwise, you will be
responsible for violating this policy. Searching for “unblocked” content is a violation of both
Rejoice Christian School’s security and Student Handbook policies.
Violations of the policy will result in the following:
1. A warning citation will be recorded in FACTS and sent to parents regarding your attempt to
violate school policy and security protocols.
2. The second time this occurs, your Chromebook will be placed in Severe Restriction Mode,
where you will only be allowed to access sites that are approved.
3. The third time this occurs, WiFi access on your Chromebook will be suspended while at
school for a period of time, thus limiting your online access to RCS computer labs and the
Chromebit workstations in the Media Center. This may take the form of informing all of
your teachers to bar the use of your browser within their GoGuardian classroom until
further notice from the administration.
4. Further infractions may result in more severe consequences including suspension and/or
Academic Dishonesty
Guiding Principle: No RCS student shall commit any act of academic dishonesty in order to
advance his/her own academic performance or to impede or advance the academic progress of
others. To do so is considered a violation of the Code of Conduct. Academic dishonesty in any form
is not condoned by the educational community. It specifically includes cheating, plagiarism,
fabrication, fraud, destruction of property, and bribery or intimidation, as well as assisting others
or attempting to engage in such acts.
At RCS, we hold that using AI tools to generate un-attributed content for assignments for school
qualifies as “academic dishonesty,”
If there exists no doubt that an act of academic dishonesty has occurred, the teacher has the
authority to administer any of the following:
1. Record a “zero” for the assignment (or test) in question.
2. In cases of extreme or repeated incidents of academic dishonesty, recommend to the
Principal that the student be suspended or expelled from RCS. The written
recommendation will include a description of the specific occurrences, including
supportive documents if applicable.
Christian Relationships
It is wonderful to see God at work in the lives of our students as He builds friendships and
relationships based on principles found in His Word. We encourage our students to get to know one
another and to establish friendships. Students who have an interest in one another beyond
friendship have both a responsibility and a privilege to build that relationship based on purity. Out
of concern for them as well as those who observe, we do not allow students in our school to engage
in public display(s) of affection while at school. We desire that the students focus on school,
friendships and who they are in Christ. We do not believe that school is a suitable place for
personal affection.
● Holding hands, embracing, kissing, or other inappropriate displays are not allowed at
school, at school events, or on school property. Persistence to engage in such behavior will
result in disciplinary action.
Married students are not allowed to enroll at Rejoice Christian School.
If a student becomes pregnant while attending RCS, the student is subject to dismissal. The
administration’s decision will be based on the attitude of the student, her parents, and the interest
of the student body. In the event that the student is not dismissed, she will be placed on probation
and will not be allowed to attend classes at RCS, but will instead be placed on homebound. If an
RCS male student is found to be responsible for causing a pregnancy, he is subject to the same
Pornographic Materials
The possession of writing, drawings, or delivery of any licentious, sexually offensive material,
whether written, visual, electronic, or aural, is strictly prohibited, and will result in disciplinary
action being taken.
In keeping with the school‘s responsibility to provide a safe learning environment for all students,
the Board has established the following policy regarding the issue of sexting: Sexting is the act of
sending, soliciting, possessing, or forwarding/sharing sexually explicit or suggestive messages,
photos, or images via cell phone, computer, or other digital devices. Students engaged in such
activities are subject to state laws and school discipline up to and including expulsion and in the
notification of local law enforcement. Students are required to immediately report any such
activities to a teacher or a school administrator.
Search Policy
The administration reserves the right to search school property or the cars, lockers, coats,
backpacks, bags/packs, desks, and personal belongings of any student at the school or at a
school-sponsored event in order to properly supervise the welfare of students. Students who do not
cooperate with the search are subject to school discipline, up to and including expulsion. Anyone
on the school campus may be searched at any time without prior notice.
Rejoice Christian School is a private school. As such, it is a privilege to have the opportunity to
attend, not a right. Students forfeit this privilege if they do not conform to the standards and ideals
of work and life at RCS.
Each July/August, before school begins, there will be a mandatory Partners’ Meeting for every
parent that has children enrolled at RCS. At this meeting, the administration will go over the
expectations of the partnership. There will be four sessions provided. If parents are not able to
attend, there will be one last, live video recording session available before school begins. No RCS
student will be allowed to attend school until this meeting is attended or the video has been
watched. We ask that only parents attend this event; no childcare will be provided.
It is the desire of RCS administration and faculty to be of service to parents as well as students. We
strive to keep parents informed in both the overall aspects of the school as well as on the individual
level with their own child.
Parents Portal-ParentsWeb. Parents have 24 hour access to RCS via internet on “ParentsWeb.”
ParentsWeb is a private, secure website that has been set up for our school to allow parents to see
complete information specific to their child. They may view their child’s attendance, grades,
assignments, as well as lunch and tuition account balances and family information.
Preschool and Elementary Friday Folders. RCS Preschool (K3-K5) and Elementary (1st-5th grades)
students each have a plastic envelope with their name and teacher listed on it. This is their “Friday
Folder.” This folder is a means of communication from school to the parents and will come home at
the end of the week with various items enclosed. Parents must return the folder with their child to
the teacher at the beginning of the following week. Following are some items that may be sent
home in a Friday Folder: lunch menu, notes from the teacher, flyers about special events at RCS,
homework assignments, etc.
Change in Personal Information. It is of utmost importance that we have current contact
information for every student in attendance at our school. Please come by the school office to
complete a change of information form or send an email to the Registrar or school receptionist.
Please let us know of any changes in address, home phone number, email addresses, employer and
work numbers, cell phone numbers, etc.
Changes in Home Life. In order to better understand a child’s behavior, it is beneficial for RCS
administrative and teaching staff to be advised of extenuating circumstances in the home life of the
child. We ask that parents please let us know of joyous happenings, upsetting experiences, or
changes at home that may have an impact on their child’s behavior. All information of this nature
will be treated with confidence.
Parents are also asked to let us know of discussions that they may have had with their child relative
to impending births, serious illnesses, being adopted, etc., so we can follow their conversation and
reasoning intelligently. It is our desire to minister to the needs of the students and their families.
Please let us know if we can be of assistance. Counseling services are available.
Parent/teacher conferences will be scheduled twice a year. These conferences are scheduled at the
end of the first nine (9) weeks (October) and in February. If at any time during the year a parent
wishes to have a conference with their student’s teacher, we encourage them to do so. The parent
shall make the appointment with the teacher. If a parent wants to discuss an issue on the
telephone with the teacher, he/she may leave a message with the front office, and the teacher will
return the call at the first available opportunity. Teachers’ email addresses are available to parents
on the school website. Feel free to use this address for communication with the teacher.
Whenever relationships are close there is the potential for conflicts or disagreements to arise
between people. Nonetheless, it is God’s will that we live and work together in harmony. Jesus said,
“A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also
love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for
another.” John 13:34-35
There is a godly way to handle problems between people in the Christian school that is workable
and successful, for the Lord has given it. It is found in the scriptures in Matthew 18, thus it is known
as the “Matthew 18 Principle.” This is the policy we use here at RCS. Parents, who are concerned
about a student’s academic progress, discipline problems, school policies, teaching methods, etc.,
should follow this principle.
Matthew 18:15-17 says, “Moreover, if your brother shall trespass against you, go and tell him his
fault between you and him alone; if he will hear you, you have gained your brother. But if he will
not hear you, then take with you one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every
word may be established.”
In other words, when a problem occurs, go to the person who offended you and try to settle the
matter with that person first. Almost all problems are resolved at this level. The few problems that
are not resolved at this level move on to the next level, which usually involves the Principal.
Beyond this level, the matter would go to the Superintendent, and then the School Board. This
principle applies to any combination of people (parent-teacher, parent-parent, student-teacher,
parent-administration, student-student, etc.)
If these procedures are followed with the right spirit, a matter of this type rarely, if ever, will have to
go before the School Board. The school authorities do not accept complaints about school
personnel if the one with a grievance has not gone to the person with whom they should have,
according to Matthew 18. Nor does the one with the complaint speak evil or critically of the other
person to people within or out of the school family. THIS ENSURES THAT PROBLEMS ARE
Additional guidelines are:
● Keep the matter confidential.
● Keep the circle small.
● Be sure you know the facts.
● Be straightforward in love.
● Be humble and submissive.
● Be quick to forgive.
● Pray and work for a solution.
1. We, as parents, have read the RCS Mission Statement above and understand that by
enrolling our child(ren) at RCS, we are entering a partnership with RCS in the training and
education of our child(ren).
2. We, as parents, understand that if this is our child’s first year at Rejoice, it is a probationary
year. The student’s progress will be evaluated periodically to see if he/she is adhering to
RCS’ standards both socially and academically. As parents, we are willing to get any
necessary tutoring, and understand that our child is expected to get along with peers and
maintain good behavior.
3. We, as parents, understand by enrolling our child in a private Christian school that
attendance here is a privilege, not a right. We understand that any student, parent or family
not conforming to the standards and ideals of work and life at RCS or who becomes a
hindrance (including verbally or through degrading the school, teachers, coaches,
administration or board or any other school personnel through social media including
sharing or liking/supporting degrading comments) to the purpose, vision and good of RCS
will forfeit this privilege.
4. We, as parents, agree to make tuition payments punctually in accordance with the financial
agreement. We also understand that any student whose account has become delinquent for
more than one month will be suspended from attending class until the outstanding account
has been paid.
5. We, as parents, understand that if for any reason we choose to withdraw our child from RCS
we must give the school office 30 days notice. If circumstances are such that do not allow
for the allotted time of advance notice, arrangements must be made with the business
6. We, as parents, understand that our child may be photographed and videotaped while
participating in regular school activities at RCS. I give permission for RCS to use any
photographs or video tapes of my child taken at school in various publications, including
but not limited to brochures, web pages, or news media coverage. I understand that if I do
not wish to have my child’s photographs published, I must write a letter to the school office
indicating my desires.
7. We have read the current student handbook and are in agreement with the principles
outlined there. As such, we will adhere to the established policies and procedures.
8. It should be understood that this is a joint agreement between the school, the parent, and
the student. It is understood by the parent that the school will enforce these standards. It
should also be understood that the parent will enforce these standards while the student is
associated with RCS during the school term and the summer.
Medication should be given at home to avoid disruption of the educational process. Routine
morning medications should be given at home before school. If your child requires medication
during the school day, you must provide written/signed authorization. Medications will be stored
in the school nurse’s office unless a self-carry authorization for rescue medications has been
approved by a physician (see self-carry of medication policy). All medications must be delivered
by the parent/legal guardian to the school nurse in the original container/packaging labeled with
the student’s name and appropriate forms indicated below. Students will not be permitted to have
medications in their possession on campus or at school-sponsored activities. This includes
over-the-counter medications (excluding cough drops), vitamins, herbal supplements, essential
oils, and prescription medications.
● Medications given for 2 weeks or less require a Short-term Medication Form.
● Medications to be given for more than 2 weeks require a Long-term Medication
Authorization Form.
○ Must be signed by a parent and physician
● If your child requires regular or occasional use of a prescribed inhaler at school, then
please complete the Inhaled Asthma Medication Administration Form.
○ Must be signed by a parent and physician
● If your child requires an epinephrine pen, then please complete the Epi-Pen Authorization
○ Must be signed by a parent and physician
Rejoice Christian School permits the self-administration/carry of inhaled asthma medication by a
student for the treatment of asthma, the self-administration/carry of anaphylaxis medication by a
student for treatment of anaphylaxis, the self-administration/carry of replacement pancreatic
enzymes by a student for treatment of cystic fibrosis, and the self-administration/carry of insulin
and diabetic care supplies by a student for treatment of diabetes. RCS requires:
● Completion of appropriate medication administration form filled out by the parent and
● Parent/Guardian must provide RCS an emergency supply of the student’s medication to be
kept in the School Nurse’s office to be administered
RCS is not responsible for applying sunscreen to children. Please make this part of your morning
preparation for school. Do not send sunscreen in your child’s backpack in any form due to the
health risks involved if another child should come into contact with it.
RCS maintains a supply of the following medications for occasional unscheduled use. Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl, Antacids, non-drowsy allergy medication, topical hydrocortisone, topical anti-itch cream, topical antibiotic cream, and Orajel. RCS reserves the right to substitute generic alternatives. These medications must be authorized by the parent during the annual online school registrations via FACTS. With this authorization, designated school personnel will administer medication as needed. If there is a recurrent or frequent request for these medications, RCS health personnel reserve the right to request that parents supply that medication for their specific student.
A parent/guardian must pick up student medications at the end of the school year. Medications not
claimed by the last day of school will be discarded according to state guidelines for medication
Rejoice Christian School will not regulate, take adverse action, or discriminate against a student
whose medical condition requires the use of medical marijuana in accordance with state law (63
O.S. Section 425.A).
Student Requirements. Students are not permitted to be in possession of, or use, medical
marijuana or any other controlled substance while on school property or while attending any
onsite or offsite school-sponsored activity (i.e. field trips, sporting events, plays, etc.). This
restriction applies to all students, including medical marijuana cardholders. The term “marijuana”
includes, but is not limited to, any form of marijuana; all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L.,
whether growing or not growing; marijuana seeds; marijuana oil, extract, resin, or residue;
cannabidiol (CBD) in any form; and marijuana edibles.
RCS staff and volunteers will not under any circumstances:
● Assist students with obtaining or using medical marijuana
● Store medical marijuana for students
● Take and/or use a student’s medical marijuana
● Serve as a student’s designated caregiver for the purpose of administering medical
marijuana while on school property, or at any school-sponsored activity
Students are not allowed to be in a wheelchair, boot (for foot), immobilizers, or crutches unless
directed by a physician. A doctor’s note indicating activity restrictions and order for medical
devices must be provided to the school.
All medication authorization documents and related action plans will be valid only for the
designated dates of administration or for the school year in which they are issued. All
authorizations must be renewed annually.
Rejoice Christian School requires that student immunizations are in compliance with state
requirements as directed by the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH). Oklahoma state
law is very specific regarding immunizations. No student may be admitted without record of
current immunizations, or a valid OSDH Certificate of Exemption form, on file in the Registrar’s
office. An OSDH Certificate of Exemption form is available for parents who are opposed to
immunizations for their children on the OSDH website. Failure to comply with the above
immunization policy will result in mandatory student absence until such time as compliance is
achieved. Rejoice Christian School adheres to the immunization requirements per the Oklahoma
State Department of Health. Mandatory immunization surveys are routinely conducted and shared
with the Oklahoma State Department of Health that include the student’s name, date of birth, and
immunization history.
During School. Students who become ill during the school day will be sent to the school nurse by the teacher. The school nurse or office personnel will contact the parents. Parents must keep current employment and phone information updated in the office. If a parent or the emergency contacts cannot be reached in a reasonable amount of time as school personnel deem, emergency responders, such as 911, will be contacted at the parent’s expense. An emergency contact is anyone listed on the student’s pick-up list in FACTS, as advised by the student’s parent or guardian. Students with a fever of 100.0 degrees or above, vomiting (with or without the presence of fever), diarrhea (with or without the presence of fever), or other contagious conditions must be picked up immediately.
Returning to School. Students with a fever of 100 degrees or above, vomiting (with or without the presence of fever), diarrhea (with or without the presence of fever), or other contagious conditions must remain at home until symptom-free for at least 24 hours without the aid of medication. Students cannot participate in Saturday games if your student is sent home ill/absent from school the day of or the Friday before a sports activity.
In order to promote the health and safety of everyone at RCS, school health personnel reserve the right to determine if a student is too ill to participate or should not be in attendance.
Oklahoma law states that any student who has a contagious disease or head lice may be prohibited
from attending school. (70 O.S. Section 1210.194)
Lice. Students who have been identified as having head lice will be sent home. RCS has a no-nit
policy and students will be prohibited from returning to school until checked by the school nurse.
Rash. Students who develop unidentified rashes at school must be picked up for the remainder of
the day. Students with unidentified rashes must have a physician’s statement verifying that they
are not contagious in order to attend school. In order to attend school after having chicken pox, all
blisters must be crusted over. This may take a week or longer.
Conjunctivitis. (Inflammation or infection of the mucous membrane around the eye.) Students
with thick white, yellow, or green discharge from either eye must be picked up for the remainder of
the day. In order to return to school, students must have received medication for a minimum of 24
hours, be symptom-free, or have a physician’s statement verifying that they are not contagious.
Ringworm. Students who have ringworm on the face or scalp must have a physician’s statement
verifying receipt of treatment and that they are not contagious. Students who have ringworm on
any other part of the body must be receiving treatment and have all lesions covered while at school.
It is the responsibility of the parents or guardian to keep the School Nurse informed of any changes
in a student’s medications or health status. This information can help us provide the most
appropriate care for each student.
Rejoice Christian School does not currently provide a standardized program for special education
needs. RCS administration will review student health histories to determine the ability to provide
for any special issues. If it is determined that enrollment at RCS is appropriate, a medical
management plan provided by a physician and an individual health plan developed by parents and
school staff will be required annually.
What is a concussion?
● A concussion is a brain injury
● Is caused by a bump or blow to the head
● Can change the way your brain normally works
● Can occur from a fall or a blow to the head
● Can happen even if you have not been knocked out
● Can be serious even if you have just been “dinged”
What are the symptoms of a concussion?
● Headache or “pressure” in head
● Nausea or vomiting
● Balance problems or dizziness
● Sensitivity to light
● Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy or groggy
● Concentration or memory problems
● Confusion
What should I do if I think I have a concussion?
● Tell your parents. Never ignore a bump or blow to the head, even if you feel fine. Also, tell
the school nurse or administration if you or one of your classmates has a concussion.
● Get a medical checkup. A doctor or healthcare professional can tell if you have a concussion
and when you are okay to return to school.
● Give yourself time to get better. If you have had a concussion, your brain needs time to heal.
While your brain is still healing, you are much more likely to have a second concussion.
Additional concussions can cause damage to your brain. It is important to rest until you get
approval from a doctor or healthcare professional to return to school and normal activities.
● Please note, RCS DOES NOT provide student accident insurance.
For more information:
The State of Oklahoma requires employees of schools to report any suspicion of child abuse. In the
event an employee of RCS becomes aware of potential child abuse occurring to a student enrolled
at RCS, they must immediately inform the principal or administrator and contact Department of
Human Services. Employees cannot subvert reporting of child abuse by policy.
Drills for fire, storms (tornado), and lock-downs are conducted at regular intervals during the
school year. The teachers will explain evacuation procedures. Students will learn evacuation
routes and procedures for leaving each room. Evacuation routes in case of fire and shelter
locations are posted in each room. Substitute teachers are given this information as well.