We believe that athletics functions as an important and integral part of Rejoice Christian School’s
total Christian education program. It provides Christians with a special opportunity to
demonstrate Christian values, character, and commitment. RCS believes sports allows for an
avenue whereby the physical body can be developed, the mind, will, emotions can be fashioned,
and the spirit of a person can mature. Our philosophy embraces the role of team unity, team spirit,
and the recognition of supporting roles of team members as well as outstanding performances of

RCS Athletics Key Verse. “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the
prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” 1 Corinthians 9:24

RCS Athletics Mission Statement. The Rejoice Christian School Athletic Department is committed
to developing Christ-like character among our student-athletes and encouraging them to develop
their God-given athletic abilities to their maximum potential. This will be accomplished through a
program that emphasizes Christian character and conduct, achievement in athletics, leadership
skills, and respect for teammates and opponents.

Purpose. This handbook explains the policies of the interscholastic athletic program at Rejoice
Christian School. It is a privilege, not a right, to take part in extracurricular activities, thus the
athlete is required to abide by the rules as written in the handbook.

Rejoice Athletics Goals.
● Compete in a God-Honoring Way
● Be Ambassadors for Christ
● Shape Character
● Instill Life-Lessons
● Develop Relationships
● Have Fun

It is the responsibility of each athlete to do everything in his/her power to promote good
sportsmanship in a Christ-like manner at Rejoice Christian School. All athletes are expected to
follow the rules, regulations and procedures specified by the school and coach.

All Rejoice athletes should:
● Be gracious winners and honorable losers.
● Never use profanity.
● Respect the officials and their authority.
● Always support other teammates and coaches.
● Positively represent Christ and Rejoice Christian School.
● Follow through with the commitment made to each sport in season.

Student Athlete Activity Contract. All athletes are expected to be in agreement with the Activity
Contract and must sign the contract for each sport they play (Please visit
for form).

Student Handbook. All athletes are governed by the policies contained in the Rejoice Christian
School Student and Parent Handbook. The RCS Dress Code applies at all athletic events – home
or away. Individual sport information and schedules are available at

Parents are a vital part of any successful athletic program. Your children will watch and then
mimic your behaviors and actions. This includes the way you treat officials and coaches. It is the
goal of Rejoice Christian School to have a first-class athletic program that is respected by all of the
teams, coaches and officials. As parents, you can help us obtain this goal by always being positive
and supportive of our athletes, coaches, officials and opposing teams. At no time will any negative
comments or actions towards players, coaches, opposing teams or officials be tolerated. Any parent
or supporter who constantly criticizes or demeans players, coaches, opponents or officials will not
be allowed to be a part of the athletic program at Rejoice. This also includes any print or SOCIAL
MEDIA. Any negative or degrading post by a student or family member about our school athletic
teams and/or a school staff member will result in disciplinary action or removal from school.
“Liking” or supporting such a post on Social Media will also result in disciplinary action. As a last
resort, an athlete may be removed from the athletic program as a result of this negative behavior by
parents or supporters. Do not contact other schools if you have a disagreement with an outcome,
style of play, the character of the other team, etc. Issues with other schools need to be reported to
the Rejoice Athletic Office. Contacting other schools if you have a disagreement with an outcome,
style of play, the character of the other team, etc. will not be considered. In the same manner,
contacting the OSSAA with complaints about a school, a contest, officials, etc. will also not be
considered. Issues with other schools and officials need to be reported to the Rejoice Athletic
Department. The Rejoice Athletic Department will contact other school officials or the OSSAA if it
is warranted.

Throughout the school year, many events occur requiring a team to serve in concessions and gate.
Working to solve these concerns and put our best foot forward, we request that at least one
custodial parent of a Rejoice student-athlete is asked to serve at one event during the current
school year.

Program Specifics:
● A $400 fee will be applied to all family accounts that have not fulfilled their event host
commitment by the end of the current school year. Once you have completed your event
commitment, your name will be removed from the list and no fee will be charged. To avoid
the fee, service must be completed before the last day of the current school year.
● Due to the amount of time spent, official RCS volunteer youth coaches are exempt from the
event host program. Chain crews, clock-keepers, parking lot attendants, etc. are separate
from the event host requirements but may be considered if equitable time/shifts are
completed. Any consideration must go through the RCS Athletic Department.
● For those who cover multiple events, we want to reward you! We have created a program
called, “Eagle All Call.” For every extra volunteer commitment outside of the 1 you fulfill in
the school year, we will enter your name into a drawing. At the end of the year, we will give
away 5 All Sports passes for the next school year! For those who would like to opt-out of
serving completely, the $400 fee will be applied to your family account. The fee must be
paid prior to the beginning of the next school year or before records are released.

Athletics should be a character-building program where life lessons may be learned. Therefore, we
hope and expect that all parents and spectators will fully support the athletic philosophy of Rejoice
Christian School, always responding in an encouraging, positive way, which will bring glory to the
Lord, rather than reacting in words or actions which would dishonor Christ’s name. We, therefore,
establish the following guidelines for fans at all athletic contests at Rejoice Christian School:

1. We will be positive in our comments and avoid making any negative statements after a
misplay by an athlete. We will cheer the good play of all participants.
2. We will support the game officials’ decisions and will not permit use of abusive language or
actions toward the officials.
3. RCS Parents are expected to abide by all health protocols, not only at RCS, but at any other
school protocols while we are playing away games.

It is often very difficult to accept that your child is not playing as much as you may hope. Coaches
are trying to be fair and impartial. They spend many hours preparing in and out of season for the
success of our student-athletes. They make judgments based on what they believe to be the best for
all the athletes involved. They see your child every day in practice. If you or your child is unhappy
with some aspect of the team, please follow this procedure:

Level #1. Student-athlete approaches the coach with any appropriate concerns and there is
discussion between the two.

Level #2. Parent should contact the coach and schedule a meeting to discuss any appropriateconcerns (playing time will not be considered any appropriate concern).

Level #3. Parent or coach should contact the Athletic Director and schedule a meeting to discuss
unresolved issues.

Level #4. If there is still no resolution to the problem, the parent should contact the Principal and
schedule a meeting with the Principal and the Athletic Director.

Appropriate Concerns to Discuss With A Coach
● Ways to help your child improve
● Concerns about your child’s behavior
● Special situations concerning your child
● College options and recruiting

Non-Appropriate Concerns to Discuss With A Coach
● Playing time
● Team strategy
● Play-calling
● Other players

Parent/Coach Contact Rule
OR PRACTICE. These can be emotional times for both the parent and the coach. Meetings of this
nature do not generally result in a mutually positive outcome.
● 1st Offense = One (1) game sit for athlete and a conference with parent
● 2nd Offense = Removal of athlete from the team that season.

After practices or contests, students must be picked up within fifteen minutes of conclusion of the

Athletes at Rejoice Christian School must meet certain criteria to be eligible to participate in
athletics. If school personnel feel an ineligible athlete meets OSSAA hardship criteria, a hardship
may be submitted to the OSSAA. The appeal process from a denied hardship is at the discretion of
RCS administration.


Athletes must be passing all classes to be eligible to participate. Grades will be checked weekly. If a
student is not passing all classes at the time of the grade check, he/she will be placed on probation
for one week. If a student is still not passing all classes at the end of the probation week, he or she
will be ineligible for the following week. The student will be ineligible until he/she is passing all

Academic Support

Any athlete who has below a 65% grade will be required to attend Academic Support after school
until their grade is above a 65%.


Athletes must attend at least three (3) classes on the day of a contest to be eligible to participate.
Exceptions can be made by the school administration for special circumstances. Students may
have no more than 12 absences in a semester to retain athletic eligibility.


Any athlete that is under suspension is ineligible to participate in practice or game while he/she is

Missed Class Time for Games or Contests

When excused early from classes (early dismissal) for an away game, athletes are responsible for
class assignments, notes, etc. that are missed. Athletes should inform teachers before the missed
class time.

Please note, middle school (7th/8th grade) athletes are permitted to participate in one “team” sport
at a time (football, softball, volleyball, basketball, baseball, soccer). If the student wishes to
participate in an additional “individual” sport (track, golf, cross country, tennis, cheer), the athlete
must discuss this with both coaches and it is at the coaches discretion. “Team” practices take
priority over “individual” practices. To keep absences in check, it will be at the administration’s
discretion if middle school students miss more than five days of school for athletic events.

Athletes will not be allowed to participate unless all of the following are on file in the office of the
Athletic Director: (electronically through Rank One Sport –
(Download and Print OSSAA Physical Form for physicals performed in May)
1. OSSAA Recruiting Policy Acknowledgement
2. Concussion and Head Injury Acknowledgement
3. Concussion Protocol
4. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Acknowledgement
5. HB2615 Acknowledgement
6. Athletic Handbook Agreement
7. Emergency Consent Form

Most game uniforms will be provided by Rejoice Christian School and are the property of RCS.
These uniforms will be checked out to the athlete and become the responsibility of the athlete. All
uniforms are to be returned to Rejoice Christian School at the end of the season. Athletes will be
charged a replacement fee for uniforms that are lost or damaged. Some uniforms will be
purchased by the athlete. These uniforms are the property of the athlete and will not be returned at
the end of the season.

Practice Gear

Athletes at Rejoice will be required to purchase practice gear for the sports in which they
participate. Athletes will purchase the practice gear that is selected by the coach. Shoes may be
part of the practice gear package.

● Practice: 4” UA shorts and a men’s UA dri-fit t-shirt. Mid-thigh compression shorts are
required under practice shorts.
● Games: UA school-approved uniform.

Cross Country & Track
● Practice:
○ Girls wear the 4” UA shorts or longer and UA dri-fit t-shirt or the approved track
tank top. Compression shorts are required under practice shorts if shorts are
shorter than mid-thigh. An approved track tank top will be added to the player pack
order each season.
○ Boys wear the 4” UA shorts or longer and UA shorts & dri-fit t-shirt. Compression
shorts required under shorts if shorts are shorter than mid-thigh.

● Meets:
○ UA Track Uniform which is shorts and a tank top.
○ Sprinters may wear runners’ tights for competition only. Sprinters must then put on
shorts or sweatpants after they compete.
○ Distance runners that have shorts shorter than mid-thigh during competition, they
must put on shorts or sweatpants after they compete as well. If distance runners’
shorts are shorter than mid-thigh during competition, the athlete needs to put on
longer shorts or sweatpants (like the sprinters) after their competition.

● Practice: 4” UA shorts and a UA dri-fit t-shirt. Mid-thigh compression spandex is required
● Games: Cheer uniform; skirt length is halfway between the bend of the knee and the bend of
the hip.

● Practice:
○ Girls will wear 4” UA shorts and a UA dri-fit t-shirt. Compression shorts required
under shorts if shorts are shorter than mid-thigh. When cold, girls can wear
sweatpants or leggings with their practice shorts or competition skirt over the top.
An approved tennis tank top will be added to the player pack order each season.
○ Boys will wear 4’’ UA shorts and UA dri-fit t-shirt. Compression shorts required
under shorts if shorts are shorter than mid-thigh. An approved tennis tank top will
be added to the player pack order each season.
● Games: Approved uniform by administration.

● Practice:
○ Girls will wear 4” UA shorts and a UA dri-fit t-shirt. Mid-thigh compression shorts
required under shorts. When cold, girls can wear sweatpants or leggings with their
practice shorts over the top.
○ Boys will wear UA practice shorts and a dri-fit t-shirt. Mid-thigh compression shorts
required if shorts are shorter than mid-thigh.

● Games: Approved UA game uniform.

● Practice: 4” UA shorts or softball pants and a UA dri-fit t-shirt. Mid-thigh compression
shorts required under shorts.
● Games: Approved UA game uniform.

● Practice:
○ Girls will wear UA practice shorts (longer than other sports shorts); Black
undershirt; and team-issued practice basketball tank top.
○ Boys will wear UA practice shorts and UA basketball reversible practice tank top.
● Games: Approved UA game uniform.

● Practice: UA shorts and a UA dri-fit t-shirt or white practice jersey. Mid-thigh compression
shorts required under shorts that are shorter than mid-thigh.
● Games: Approved UA game uniform.
● *Managers (practice and games) will wear a UA 4” shorts (mid-thigh compression shorts
required) & UA dri-fit t-shirt. Longer shorts will be permitted that meet school dress code

● Practice: UA shorts or Baseball pants and a UA dri-fit t-shirt. Mid-thigh compression shorts
required under shorts if shorter than mid-thigh.
● Games : Approved UA game uniform.

● Practice: Golf course-approved apparel.
● Games: Approved UA golf polo & pants.

Rejoice Christian School charges an athletic fee for each sport in which a student participates. The
fee is applied toward equipment/uniform costs, officiating fees, facility costs, entry fees, and league
fees. These fees will be applied to the student’s FACTS Account before the start of the season. If a
student quits the team or is dismissed for any reason, the fee is non-refundable. Athletic fees will
be charged near the midpoint of the athletic season. Fees will be non-refundable.
● A charge will be placed on a student’s FACTS Account for any practice gear or game gear
that is to be paid for by the student.
● A charge will be placed on a student’s FACTS Account for any game gear that is the property
of RCS that is damaged or lost. The charge will cover the replacement cost of the gear.

Athletic Fees for Each Sport

● Varsity (9th-12th grades): Football ($300); Volleyball ($200); Cheer ($200); Basketball
($200); Baseball ($200); Golf ($150); Tennis ($150); Track ($150); Soccer ($200); Cross
Country ($150); Softball ($150)
● Junior High (7th-8th grades): Football ($250); Volleyball ($150); Cheer ($150); Basketball
($150); Baseball ($175); Golf ($125); Tennis ($125); Track ($125); Soccer ($150); Cross
Country ($125); Softball ($125)
● Elementary (1st-6th grades): Football ($125); Volleyball ($100); Cheer ($125); Basketball

Transportation will be by bus or by car with coaches, school personnel or approved parents
driving. If a parent has a transportation concern, he/she should contact the coach.

The Elementary Athletic Director will organize and direct all RCS elementary athletics.
Elementary parents will be expected to adhere to the above guidelines as outlined.